Wednesday, December 26

Sharing Christmas Every Day

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and got everything they were wishing for!  I love the holidays because families come together, old and new traditions are in full bloom and memories are made to last a lifetime.  For Christmas, my in-laws gave me a devotional by Helen Steiner Rice, "Sharing Christmas Every Day."  In it, she discusses how "all these grand activities and preparations culminate in one small twenty-four-hour period, and we need to make a better effort to spread the joy and the true meaning of Christmas all year round.  Christmas is about giving and sharing love with everyone around you.  Helen Steiner Rice puts it into words perfectly:

"Only what we give away
Enriches us from day to day,
For not in getting but in giving
Is found the lasting joy of living,
For no one ever had a part
In sharing treasures of the heart
Who did not feel the impact of
The magic mystery of God's love.
Love alone can make us kind
And give us joy and peace of mind,
So live with joy unselfishly
And you'll be blessed abundantly."

I'll be reading this book for the next couple of weeks so you might see some poems or interesting information I've read pop up on here from time to time.  Now let's all look forward to the new year and the wonderful new experiences that it will bring!

Sunday, December 23

Christmas Movie Madness

In case anyone is needing some last minute Christmas movie ideas, I made a list!  These are my top picks that I must see each year between December 1st & December 25th!  Let me know if there are any that I missed that are on your favorites list!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 18


I like to use this space to share with you the things that I like.  And one of my new favorite obsessions...or should I say "twin-sessions" a couple of girls you might remember from a classic 90's show Sister, Sister.  Tia & Tamera Mowry!  They might be celebrities, but they seem like 2 of the most down to earth women in Hollywood I've seen.  They have a show on the Style Network, Tia & Tamera, and now they have a new website hosted by the 2 of them where you can find advice on sisterhood, motherhood, healthy living, making a home, fashion and beauty and much more!

excerpt thumbnail 

Tia & Tamera comes on Tuesdays at 8:00!  Check out these 2 beautiful and talented women.  It won't take long for you to fall in love with them too!

Tuesday, December 11

Family Christmas Album

I'm so excited to show everyone our Christmas pictures this year!  We are a small, growing family and this is the first year we can include the newest addition to our family!  And check out this awesome Christmas card!  I would love to see some of your Christmas pictures or Christmas cards from this year so be sure to post them in the comments!

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, December 9

Surfing Fever

Sunday is my blog catch-up day, and boy am I catching up!  There were all sorts of fun things posted this week!  Plus, these are just a few of the websites that I came across through my surfing that I would like to share with everyone.

 the nest::  This site is specifically designed for women who are new nesters and can find advice on hundreds of different topics from "Home Decor Suggestions" to "Date Night Ideas" to "Health Tips on Exercise and Nutrition."

*Also Check Out::
--> the knot:: The ultimate online wedding planning guide!  I used this throughout my engagement and it was a lifesaver!
--> the bump:: Everything you need to know when trying to get pregnant and during the 9 months while waiting for that beautiful baby to come!  Haven't gotten to this one just yet, but it's good knowledge for the future!
--> the blush:: The newest addition to this series of websites!  Today's Obsessions, Celebrity Looks and Video Tutorials, etc. can all be found here!

babble::  (c/o Nat The Fat Rat)  This is a site connected to Disney where you can find all kinds of useful information from "Smart Ways to Spend & Save" to "Beauty & Style Tips" to "A Complete 2012 Holiday Guide." 

Check out this article:  What YOU Should Be Buying at Forever 21 RIGHT NOW!  These are just a few pieces I love, but you can take a look to find many more options! 
I want to know, what are you dying to buy from this bunch?

Monday, December 3

All I Want For Christmas

Adam and I finally got our tree and all of our Christmas decorations put up in and outside the house.  That was a weekend long task in itself.  But how can you look at it as work when you love it as much as we do?  Now we can sit back and soak up every minute of this special holiday!

Sometimes we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.  Around this time of year, people often feel the need to purchase a lot of gifts or stay up to date on the most recent phone, laptop or other electronics or else they won't be on the same level as everyone else.  So I wanted to take a moment at the very beginning of this holiday and remind everyone about the true meaning of Christmas.

Our Lord Jesus Christ.



Our Health.

These are the things that matter.  You can have all the money and material items in the world, but without these, you really have nothing.  Take time this Christmas and think about the wonderful things you have in life and let everything else fall by the waste side.  I look forward to doing many more Christmas themed posts so check back soon!


Saturday, December 1

Sales for the First Weekend of December

If you didn't get everything you needed on Black Friday or Cyber Week, don't fret.  There are still plenty of sales this weekend for those of you looking for a good deal!  Here are just a few that I came across and wanted to pass them along.  Enjoy!

Kohl's ::
Victoria's Secret ::

Banana Republic :: 

December 1 40% Off two full priced items online & in stores only
Limited Time! Free Limited Edition iPhone® Case with $65 Purchase. Use offer code CALLME. Click to get it now.Limited Time! Free Limited Edition iPhone® Case with $65 Purchase. Use offer code CALLME. Click for details. Limited Time! Free Limited Edition iPhone® Case with $65 Purchase. Use offer code CALLME. Click to get it now.

Monday, November 26

What A Yummy Turkey Day

Thanksgiving was perfect this year.  We had the whole family over to our house, and after a long, delicious meal, we went around the table and had everyone tell what they were thankful for.  I also had everyone bring pictures to show happy times in their lives that they wanted to share with everyone else.
And it turns out Christmas will take place at the Foster house again this year!  So stay tuned...

Thursday, November 22

I Am Thankful For...

                                     Holidays with family
                                     Parents who love unconditionally
                                     Puppy playtime
                                     Yesterday's lessons

                                     Husband Adam
                                     Alone time
                                     Never-ending love
                                     Kisses before every night's sleep
                                     Scrapbooking room
                                     Growing friendships
                                     In-laws with giving hearts
                                     Very beautiful house
                                     Intelligent sister
                                     New life lessons

I could go on and on about what I am thankful for, and the list continues to grow each and every year.  I'm blessed with a healthy and loving husband, a beautiful family and friends, and a God that is always there through every walk of life.  Everything else is just a bonus.  What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

God bless you and yours and have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Psalm 107:1  "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

Friday, November 16

Do Thanksgiving In Style

Happy Friday everyone!  Because my hubby and I are only in year 2 of home ownership, of course we couldn't pass up a chance to host Thanksgiving dinner again!  (Now Christmas, that's a different story).  So now I'm on a mission for the cutest Thanksgiving outfit.  That's where one of my favorite sites comes into play.  Polyvore.  Take a look at these 5 outfits I put together for people of all different style choices.

Thanksgiving #5

Thanksgiving #4

Thanksgiving #3

Thanksgiving #2

Thanksgiving #1

Thanksgiving #1 by kinsleyfoster featuring opaque stockings

Attention to anyone who is obsessed with Christmas music as I am! of my local radio stations has already started playing the magic of Christmas!  Check out this website if you are interested!  Magic 96.5!

Also, I want to congratulate one of my best friends and her husband because they found out a few weeks ago they are pregnant with their first baby!  She is only 12 weeks along so we don't know what the gender is yet, but my girlfriend and the baby are doing great and her husband is preparing :)

Congratulations Kayla and Rand! Love you both!

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Saturday, November 10

The Newest Member of the Foster Family

Everyone, I want to introduce you to mine and Adam's new puppy, Daisy!  She is an 11 week old cockapoo and the new love of our lives!  We've only had her for a week, but it has been a very interesting experience.  I strongly recommend to anyone who is thinking about starting a family, get a dog first...great practice!




The breeders gave Daisy a Dramamine for the drive home, because we picked her up in Mississippi.  She slept the whole way and never got sick (thank goodness).  These are couple of pictures from our trip.

Once we got home, Adam took Daisy in the backyard for some playtime.  She was all for it!

Check back for updates on our growing little girl!

Thursday, November 8

It Was A Monster Mash!

Nothing like some zombies, vampires and....Lego get a Halloween party going!  Btw, that girl in the front wearing what looks to be just a Friday date night outfit, is an 80's girl.  I was working with very little time to prepare guys!

We had such a great time at my friend Megan's house on Halloween!  There was great food and friends and lots of scared little kids walking up for you can only imagine with these silly guys. Take a look at some of the great moments of the night!